


Magic Mushrooms

by Ian Summers [via]




Bead Art

Mario Wii

32-Bit Genocide Art Video

Dot Matrix Revolution

DOT MATRIX REVOLUTION from superbrothers on Vimeo.

Lego Arcade

Relive some classic video games from the 1980's with legos

Video Game Mashups

GPS navigation system with game console

Kinwei Technologies of Shenzen is a GPS navigation system manufacturer. They’re trying to get an edge in the ever changing in car electronics industry with the KW-GM4306TG. KW-GM4306TG is a GPS navigation system and a gaming console in one device. Nothing like a PSP though. According to specs the device only supports old school 8 bits games: guaranteed to keep your border line ADD pre-teen occupied for about 55 seconds.


Inside a North Korean Arcade


Mario, Mario, Mario

3d mario [via]

8-bit Bouquet

The bouquet. It gives ice powers. [via]


Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight

Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 (by Paul Robertson) from Matthias Magold on Vimeo.

Life's like a Videogame

Syke Energy drink makes your life like a video game.

Kings of Power 4 Billion %

Kings of Power 4 Billion % from Zarradeth on Vimeo.

Kings of Power 4 Billion % created by Paul Robertson with the help of others (watch the credits)

Kings of Power

Kings of Power by paul robertson

Mario in the real world

Mario's new warp whistle malfunctions. Hilarity ensues.


Rymdreglage - 8-bit trip

1500 hours of moving legobricks and take photos of them.

Classic game themes Orchestrated

A musical compilation of some of the classic 8 bit game tunes. Performed by the Video Games Live orchestra. videogameslive.com

Truckers Delight

FLAIRS - TRUCKERS DELIGHT from 3rd Side Records on Vimeo.

Truckers Delight animated video clip directed by newcomer wunderkid Jérémie Périn who takes the song's title (a tribute to those little pleasures that the lonely truck- driver indulges himself in) and takes it to the next level. Think Spielberg's Duel + Russ Meyer's Faster Pussycat Kill Kill! and Marc Dorcel's wildest fantasies. All warped into an 8-bit Sega era style graphic. And this clumsy and somehow pretentious description doesn't even come close to what you're about to see: it's très funny,très dirty, -très sexy. Très Flairs indeed.

Video Games

Video Games from MUSCLEBEAVER on Vimeo.

This animation we did was planned and animated for the prologue of a documentary.

(That explains the absurd, unfinished seeming, ending.That is where the actual documentary starts.... )

The briefing was to show an evolution of computer games.

The documentary itself is about different people, based here in germany, showing their everyday life, and their addiction to the same specific, famous MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing game):"Wo.."